Sunday, April 25, 2010

Seher One 100% and 400% Bearbrick by Medicom

Art Asylum Boston is proud to announce that Seher One (Interviewed) has been working on a project with Japanese based Medicom, maker of the prolific Designer vinyl sculptures by the likes of kaws and other world renowned artists.. One of the projects lined up with Medicom is their collectible sensation known as Bearbricks which over the years have been adorned by some of todays hottest artists.

Seher One, is the first Mexican street artist to be chosen to design one his very own eluvise and collectible Bearbrick. based on his signature style Seher has designed one of the most aesthitically appealing bearbricks yet. It is fair to say that this will not only Sell Out but wil be sought after by collectors of both BearBricks and the renowned street artist' work.