Electric Windows Come's to life with amazing and beautifully rendered works
For the second year in a row Dan and Kalene (Owners of Open Space Gallery) in Beacon, NY held their ever-successful live art event Electric Windows and this year Art Asylum Boston was happy to show their support for both the project and the contributing artists bringing beauty to the vacant faceless warehouse. The event featured over 25 renowned artists who came together to revitalize the dilapidated warehouse that once served as an Electric Blanket factory (hence the name "Electric Windows") during the 19th century.
Participating artists included, Ron English, Chor Boogie, Gaia, Art Asylum Boston featured Artist Joe Iurato, Logan Hicks, Cern, Pete Wollaeger and many more. In addition to this amazing outdoor art event, Open Space teamed with Buxtonia of Ad Hoc gallery to provide live screen printing, Music and food, making it an even larger community based experience for artists and patrons.