Art Asylum Boston presents the works of Skount
Skount develops a line of work characterized by a mixture of influences and multiple forms of expression. It deals with the creation of a wide range of possibilities: from mural painting to music, canvas based work, performances, video art, sculpture and installations.
The stimulus that projects the totality of his works is “the fundamental necessity of the human being to free his mind, his emotions and sensations that extended over soul that have been nourished by everything that surrounds and stimulates him. To research about the oneiric spectrum in a manner in which the urban environment hardens the individual”
A specific characteristic of his work is his interest in texture which can be explained by his interest in the sensorial and reception in terms of the manner of understanding the creation in other cultures.
A great traveler’s spirit and a great curiosity for other traditions and places inspired him to research different types of creativity and carrying out numerous murals throughout Spain and in a lot of countries that have allowed him to integrate a great diversity of influences within is work.
A specific characteristic of his work is his interest in texture which can be explained by his interest in the sensorial and reception in terms of the manner of understanding the creation in other cultures.
A great traveler’s spirit and a great curiosity for other traditions and places inspired him to research different types of creativity and carrying out numerous murals throughout Spain and in a lot of countries that have allowed him to integrate a great diversity of influences within is work.